Inn zur Traube "Osterberger"


Państwa pobyt

At Gasthaus Osterberger, the Fellner family offers regional, down-to-earth cuisine in the best organic quality, and this already in the fourth generation. In the rustic-classic "Dorfwirtshaus" with a guest room whose roots go back to the 16th century, delicacies such as the finest veal or - especially for connoisseurs - delicate offal are exquisitely prepared. At the weekends, the seasonal daily recommendations are convincing. Theme days such as barbecue evenings or "Mensch ärgere dich nicht" tournaments round off the program. A guest garden and a separate room for meetings are available too.

When the local municipal office is closed, the inn also functions as a tourist information center, including brochure service and room reservation.

Miejscowość i przyjazd

Zapytaj Inn zur Traube "Osterberger"

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