Kreisbach Castle
Kreisbach Castle in the Traisen Valley goes back to being founded by Dietericus I de Crewspach at the end of the 12th century. After an eventful history and a few changes of ownership, it came to Lilienfeld Abbey in 1625. Since October 1999, the cultural association Schloss Kreisbach has been trying to revitalize the castle. The cultural association has signed a 99-year building lease agreement with the Lilienfeld Abbey.
Sacred and cultural events such as holy masses, devotions and hours of prayer take place in the Anna Chapel, the castle itself is a popular location for weddings, readings, concerts and celebrations of all kinds. A very special, unique place for getting married, but also for relaxing is the LacHort palace park around Kreisbach palace. Guided tours of the castle are possible at any time by prior arrangement by telephone.